Friday 21 December 2012

Behind the Artist: Digi-Pack Research Eminem

Eminem Front cover analysis

I feel that the front cover of the digi-pack and the case captures the performance and success elements of this album. Additionally it features certain indicators such as the parental advisory sticker denoting to the consumer that this is an item preferably catered towards an older audience. Unfortunately given the nature of today's world, these stickers become social stickers which further entice children to purchase them in order to make them seem like a mature and stronger character than their peers. By owning an album that is not permitted for them they becomes more respected and hopefully more like the artist they are emulating.
Another point to note would be the uniform nature of the text. It is centered in big bold writing which create a clear distinction between album and artist. This element of the digipack is going to be a main focus for our final design. I will keep asking my other class mates whether they feel the distinction has been created until we get it just right. By centering the text our eyes are automatically drawn to the focus of the digipack, the artist and his album. This use of simplicity and convoluted imagery makes for a strong message; that illustrates the describes the clean cut black and white nature of the album perfectly.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 1 

Our first image is of a young slim shady rapping with a black and white overlay. To see our rapper in his natural habitat automatically associates him with the profession and I think implies he is completely absorbed by his trade. The black and white again carries on this idea of clear distinctions between  the imagery and the artist. By having him rapping mixed with the effect denotes the idea that Eminem is making a distinct effort to distinguish himself from his profession and show that he does have a life out side of his music.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 2
On this page we have a continuation of artists track list with accreditation being carried through for each individual track thus creating the idea that this album was mostly down to other people and no all done by Eminem himself. This selfless nature is a common image transcended through many areas of the Hip Hop and rap genre.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 3

A black and white image of Eminem is offset to the left to 
make room for the song list. I feel it would be best to use this 
some where in our digipack as I feel it again cements the idea
that the artist and his songs are of equal importance. It would also be important to note that he seems to be holding onto ropes which could have a connotation that our artist will be on the ropes somewhere within this video, therefore contextualizing the album.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 4

This image shows our artist driven to destruction and at his lowest point, which could imply there will be negative songs as well as positive ones in this album. The image has been slightly enhance to make the colours more saturated, I would say this makes the image bolder and more eye catching.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 5

Inlay 5 brings the audience right back to nitty-gritty of the albums creation. The reason this image is so important and I feel we should try to include it in ours is simply due to the behind the scenes element of it. A picture of our artist thinking about his music instantly connects him with his tracks and gives the audience a look at the origins of this latest album.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 6

This black and white image denotes Eminem's connection with some of his own material items. He is wearing a knuckle duster, which can associated with street violence a common theme in the rap and Hip Hop genre plus he is wearing a fancy watch to the bottom left of the image which could imply his wealth and love of precious metals.  Another point to note would be the use of a low angle shot to give the artist that the artist is in some way more powerful than us. This theme is carried through in the way that he is looking directly at the camera as if challenging the audience in some way.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 7

The last picture of the inlays is a joint image which carries over slightly in to the next page. This continuation connects the artist further with the accreditation messages to the people involved in production of the album. Thus strengthening his attachment to our artists record label.


Eminem Digipack Inlay 8

Accreditation seems to be a big part of this digipack. What makes this final page so significant is the way they have been formatted. The album is named curtain call and these credits have been layed out like movie credits. The use of the word 'cast' to head the list of everyone involved in the production denotes the idea of showbiz and performance perfectly.

Eminem Digipack Inlay 9

A more light-hearted image finishes the digipack, this use of humility represents Eminem as being a guy who enjoys what he does.  Having the image being a behind the scenes shot makes it seem more genuine and a lot more natural.