Auxiliary products are items that are made after the production of an album. They provide extra information and exclusive bonus content. The most common auxiliary products include adverts and Digipacks. The use of which are equally important to the label, artist and fans. These products are created on the inference that not only will the label who create the album see extra revenue, due to the success of the initial album, but that they can also offer fans with exclusive content not included in the original album.
Not only can Auxiliary products help to attract more customers and gather greater media interest they can also better supply to existing fans of the franchise. Digi-Packs provide fans with a greater insight into the processes the band goes through to create their music and also offers them extra bonus content that only they and a few others may have. Whilst Digipacks create interest from fans; advertisements help to create fans who may enjoy another sub genre similar to this one.
It is important to remember this when we are creating our Auxiliary products, as they will need to have behind the scenes images from the creation of our music video, whilst also including some more specific information related to our artist (Endo) and what genre of music he performs. By incorporating both a general and more in-depth view of the artist we can cater our aux products to two different demographics.