In this post I will showcase some of the design ideas I had regarding our bands logo. From our research we can deduct that the design must be simplistic but also eye catching.
It has to grab the attention of young teen age girls as they are the captive audience for this type of music:
Design 1
I like this one as i feel it keeps the design simplistic and stylish. Ideally I would want our bands first album to be working off of a black and white colour scheme, however this is a detail that could be over looked if there a better option was put forward.
Design 2

I like this design over the first as I feel it portrays the image of a band which is layed back and also quite anonymous. The font seems alot less uniform in this picture and the silhouette uses the power of suggestion to make them seem slightly coolers and gives the band a slightly more rugged edge.

Here are several other ideas which we may also use for our final logo: