The common image of most boy bands is that they are a bunch of dream boys which every 13-15 year old girls would aspire to go out with. The music labels and marketing teams therefore pick names which are simplistic in meaning and have very clear and honest themes. Here are just a few examples of what a boy band might be called:
1. 1 Direction

- The name describes the idea that these guys are heading in only one direction making them sound cool, calm and collected.
- The name One Direction also strikes us with a hint of confidence as if they have an aim and will do what ever it take to get there.
- The name Itself is merely referencing the fact that these guys have come from Ireland which is located west of England. I would say though that giving them a name as undescriptive as West Life makes them seem more like mysterious characters in comparison to other boy bands, this element of mystery; makes them seem like more alluring characters
- The font used on their album covers is also relatively simple, I discovered that they have used a times new roman font to be the style for their logo. The simplistic, elegant and efficient message this font portrays is trying to give the impression that this is a band which are in control of what they are doing and are again of a genuine disposition.
- This Abbreviation actually stands for 'Jack the lad Swingers' and it Basically means that this band are keen womanizers whilst also being very good dancers. It is quite odd that the marketing company have added the swingers extension on to the end of their name instead of maybe just calling them 'Jack the lads' I would imagine this would be to attract the younger teen audience as parents may not want their children being associated with this kind of behavior.
- The abbreviation also singles them out as being trendsetters. With the introduction of twitter and a little and text talk it has become much more common for younger teens (13-16) to use abbreviations of words or sometimes manipulate words to mean something slightly different.