As a group we decided it would be best of we all began to compile together an idea of what our video was going to be about. We did this in the form brainstorming ideas collectively as a group and then noting them down on paper. We used the lyrics as an illustrative guide to help us create and develop an idea behind the whole story of the video.
My first page of notes was a discussion on locations of the video and the different themes we could uses
what the lyrics are talking about.
In our group we decided that for the performance portion of the video we would use the Drama studio with spotlighting and a very dark surrounding. As far as camera work is concerned we could have it revolving around the artist coming from the back to the front and than cutting from left to right in a slow drifting motion.
At the beginning of the song the opening singer makes mention of some car imagery, so it was suggested we include a vehicle of some sort. However the group decided that the imagery is not repeated enough for it to be vital to the narrative of the video.
We felt in order to give the impression of the artist as being a spirit like character he should be included in most scenes as if narrating the narrative and performing all at the same time. We would do this by having him included in the studio scenes on his own, but also in front of the illustrative scenes as they unfold. In order to get an equal balance of imagery and artist, we felt it best to have some shots were we only show conceptual images such as a lane; to correspond with the lyrics "I have been down memory lane" and also some home video footage for the line "looking at the past and all things that I've lost".
As a final point for this page, I would say that one of the shots we felt we could include was in relation to the line "dark clouds follow". It was suggested that we could include the imagery of a sun roof on a car opening as the car was moving. I really like this idea as I feel it captures the idea of escapism perfectly, which is what this song is all about.

On the second sheet, we carried on talking about the imagery that should be featured in our video. We decided that our chorus should include a mixture of conceptual vignettes and performance.
Narrative and Performance (Part 2)
Whilst discussing the matter of narrative further we realised that it should be our main priority to try and show the theme of Driftin away as much as possible. Therefore we put in place some ideas as possible imagery to describe this theme.
The themes we came up with were:
- A character or singer Drinking or at least an implication of excessive alcohol consumption.
- Domestic violence or general Arguuments and thus leading to the loss friends
- A person walking away from the camera
- Some on trying to shut the world out by putting on head phones
- The use of muting the background noise to imply being in your own little bubble
Next we returned to the idea of were would be best to set our video, these were the three location we felt would be most in keeping with the genre of Hip Hop and also the themes of our song:
- Church
- Bedroom
- Family Home
- Stage Studio
To get an idea of which videos have helped to inspire our groups discussion please follow this link: