There are many platforms for us as a groups to distribute our music for instance TV, the internet and CD, but we think that the radio would be a really useful platform to advertise our music on. In this post I will look into which radio stations would best suite our style of music.

Kiss are a radio station specializing in Hip Hop and R&B music which fits our song perfectly. Naturally then I think kiss FM would be our groups first port of call.
In order to further cement my belief I have gathered some screenshots from the website. They give an idea of the type of shows and who features on them.
As you can see alot of the names mentioned in this story are current and popular hip hop or R&B style artists, thus proving that our Hip Hop artist would fit the bill for this radio station.
Here we see an example of target market advertising. Kiss realise that a large majority of their audience are young party goers and therefore sell products that are heavily associated with this past time. I believe that although the song we have chosen does not have any link to partying, it does talk about escapism and although the link to the jet set lifestyle isn't clear in this song, there is no reason why we couldn't still develop it in the rest of the album.
Radio 1 Xtra
Radio 1 Xtra

Radio 1 also have listings on their site a details of which can be found below:
Radio 1Xtra Again offers a wide range of street style music, they try to differentiate and expand into different genres such as drum and bass and grime, but their core genre remain the same as kiss. The other interesting point to make would be the fact that because of Radio 1xtra's very humble and English background alot of the music events they are advertising seem to be uk based. This is unfortunate for us as given that our sound is quite south american we may face more difficulty in getting our music aired on there station than Kiss FM.
The Radio 1 site has a news beat section whereby they round up all of the days news. It is mainly light Hearted new about modern media such as TV programme's and current music events happening around the world. The new they provide caters for their specific target market who are teenagers. News stories about inbetweeners and X-factor attract the attention of the target audience thus making them stay on the Kiss Site for longer and want to come back for more.
Both of these radio stations can be contacted through many different mediums for instance we could post a copy of our song to them via a CD or downloadable MP3. Alternatively we could just link them to the artists Sound cloud acount, the downside to this is that this method is less direct and may be ignored by a company as big as the BBC.