Whether its Eminem or Michael Buble, most music videos follow particular trends and formulae. Here is a run down of the 5 most obvious conventions used to build a music video: *There will be videos which don't follow these conventions completely however a good majority of music videos across all genres will follow this pattern.

1. Inclusion of the artist
The artist is what we as an audience immediately associate with the music in our heads and so it is paramount that their face is somewhere in the video. A prime example would be in the video of the Eminem hit 'The Real Slim Shady'. This is how you do self promotion.
In most cases if the lyrics were to describe a certain object or person that would then appear in some shape or form in the video. This appears a lot in parody's of songs, for instance white and nerdy by Weird Al' Yankovic.
3.The cutting rate and speed of the video fits in time with the music.
Many videos like to stay in time with the song as it means the video compliments the music well and makes for a much better viewing experience.
4. Makes artist seem like the finished article
A lot of artists will want to be seen in their best light, they will always look clean, fresh and young. It is said alot but is still very true that sex does sell, therefore having an attractive face and physique helps to sell more CD's!5. The Most memorable moments of the video coincide with the chorus
In most cases you will find that there will be an explosion of sound and action on the beginning of the chorus and this will be carried through. The chorus is always the most opportune moment for any song artist to sell themselves as a brand.
If you can think of any more don't hesitate to comment me down below!