Brief summary of the video
This video is all about how we should remember the best moments, we know this through the use of a montage style of slow mow black on white shots of positive times in peoples lives. It talks about the success and failures of people and how our younger days are the days we should make the most of.
YouTube Statistics for Young Forever
Item A- Ages and genders
The general age range of the audience viewing this video was, in terms of females 13-17 and in-terms of men any where from 16 to 34. The demographics also show that the majority of the audience for this particular video are male; meaning we should try to swing our videos themes and messages to better suit that of a masculine disposition. We should not forget however that there is still a growing interest from the teen girl audience meaning our artist should be cater for them as well.
Item B- Locations
All countries listed here are English speaking countries. The number one best location for this particular song just so happens to be one of the biggest countries in the world second only to Russia and Canada (In terms of Land mass). Given that our artist is american and that Hip Hops roots originate from America, it would make sense to focus our efforts on this particular audience.
I would also like to add that Canada, seems to be a relatively untapped market for this particular genre and so making it popular there would also be hugely beneficial to us as a group.
Canada has a real tie with its surrounding lands and wildlife, and their music reflects this. they like to tell stories with very simple instruments such as guitars and banjos. I believe that with the acoustic opening and the story telling included in the song, our track (Driftin' Away) would be an ideal track to entice this particular audience.