By 'glorifying' the bad experiences of our artist, we make them seem more connected to the evils of the world and more grounded as an individual. This is an attribute many music and film stars are often accused of forgetting once they become famous and adorned by many people world wide. Being able to bridge the gap between audience and artist is vital if the brand wants to last and create a stir with in the music world.
A good example of amplification would be:
Eminem - Lose Yourself
In this video we see Eminem going through a development of the absolute poorest lifestyle to his eventual success. These binary oppositions increase the impact that the imagery has upon the audience. Furthermore, In the making of this video they could have used a completely different person to play the troubled rapper, however to strengthen the bond between audience and artist, Eminem himself, felt it necessary to feature in the video as the leading role with in the narrative.